25,000 New Oil and Gas Workers Needed in Next 6 Years Says OPITO

For the next 6 years, OPITO, an energy skills body has set out a strategy to prepare for the shift in skills for requirements in the UK oil and gas industry.

Under the OPITO’s Skills Landscape 2019-2025 Report of section of UKCS Workforce Dynamics research series, it has been observed that technology advancement, internationalisation and the transition to a lower carbon future are increasingly changing skill demands in this particular sector.

By 2025, 80% of the current workforce will continue to work within the industry while taking into consideration of natural attrition and retirement. As the industry continues to adapt to take advantage of new technologies, there is an opportunity to retain these skills, while upskillng and reskilling the workforce to offer a greater chance for the industry itself.

Source: Oil and Gas People