bizSAFE certification Singapore

Successful bizSAFE certification by WSHC, Singapore

We are happy to announce SynergenOG Singapore office has fulfilled the requirements to attain the bizSAFE Level 3 Certification issued by The Workplace Safety and Health Council of Singapore.

bizSAFE Level 3 and above recognises that our company has put in place systems to manage workplace risks and complies with WSH (Risk Management) Regulations. To achieve this, we must engage a Singapore Accreditation Council (SAC) Accredited Auditing Organisation to assess the implementation of risk management in our workplace using the bizSAFE Level 3 Risk Management audit checklist.

As bizSAFE recognises our company’s commitment to safety and health, we can use it to retain our talents and position our company as an employer of choice. SynergenOG strives to be a better and more responsible employer and stakeholder.