Bowtie Workshop conducted by SOG

Bowtie Workshop In Brunei

It is a privilege to be working with Brunei Fertiliser Industries (BFI). The “Bowtie Workshop” with BFI and ThyssenKrupp was conducted for the major fertilizer plant currently undergoing construction within the Sungai Liang Industrial Park (SPARK). The Bow-Tie is an integral part of the ongoing Safety Case compliance efforts for the site. 

One of the risk evaluation methods used to analyse and demonstrate causal relationships is called the bowtie method. This method is especially popular in high-risks scenarios. It is critical in balancing safety and efficiency while avoiding business disruption, enhanced safety as well as reducing costs. The namesake of the method is from the shape of the created diagram; a bowtie. 

In short, bowtie assessments firstly present a visual summary of the plausible scenarios that could surround a hazard. Next, the bowtie method also helps a company outline control measures.  

safer and connected