FEA Study for Floating Production Unit

In support of the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) phase, a Fire and Explosion Analysis (FEA) will be conducted to evaluate the potential fire and explosion hazards related to the facility.

The study aims to assess the consequences of fire and explosion scenarios resulting from a loss of containment (LOC) incident on the Floating Power Unit (FPU), identify the escalation potential in case of a fire or explosion event and determine any passive fire protection requirements, and to provide relevant input into other Formal Safety Assessment (FSA) studies.

The scope of the FEA study includes releasing hydrocarbons from Topsides Facilities and subsea flexible jumpers connecting the wellhead platform and FPU. The FEA study is limited to hazards that may only occur during normal operations. It does not consider specifically other periods like construction, commissioning or campaign maintenance. As part of the safety studies, the FEA also covers LOC events arising from the import and export pipeline.