FEED finalisation HAZOP report for an FPSO development in Singapore

SynergenOG concluded a FEED finalisation HAZOP report for an FPSO development in Singapore. The scope of this report was to focus on significant design changes associated with the FPSO Phase 1 Development (FEED Phase).

The objectives of the FEED Finalisation HAZOP Workshop were to:

Systematically examine and identify major safety and operability concerns associated with the facilities which could directly threaten the safety of personnel, contribute to adverse effects to the environment or company reputation, as well as asset damage or production loss

  • Determine the consequences and operability issues associated with the identified hazards
  • Identify the engineering and procedural safeguards that are in place;
  • Evaluate the effectiveness and adequacy of the existing safeguards in preventing the hazards
  • Propose recommendations, where necessary, to eliminate or mitigate the identified issues,
  • and to identify areas that need to be investigated further.

This HAZOP Workshop helped participants understand the nuances of the subject matter. SynergenOG looks forward to conducting more training like this in the future.