The Seven Skills of the Future

The 7 Skills of the Future

According to economist and managing director, Saadia Zahidi of the World Economic Forum, the skills of the future are likely to be Analytical Thinking, Complex Problem-Solving, Innovation, Collaboration, Active Learning, Technology & Design, and Creativity. These seven flexible skills make an impact on an organisation’s ability to move forward and to weather through the storm of an unpredictable future.

At SynergenOG, we think that this is a highly interesting way to look at an organisation’s skills — identifying which we already have and which we have to develop and bridge the gap. At times, the pressure to complete a task disengages us from thinking creatively. Strict deadlines often push us to complete a task in the same manner that we are familiar with, well within our comfort zones. Without these constraints, what could an organisation look like or more importantly, achieve?

This kind of thinking and planning is possibly how organisations like Google, Microsoft  and other giants produce mind blowing innovations. Which begs the question, are these skills inherent in an individual or developed over time either during their educational stint or working experience? Perhaps each organisation has a role to grow and develop its team, but the onus is on us, as individuals, to develop these skills for our future. Because after all, as author and futurist Alvin Toffler has said: “The future belongs to those who can learn, unlearn and relearn”.


SynergenOG, an engineering and consultancy company headquartered in Kuala Lumpur, believes its team is its most valuable resource. This thought-triggering infographic comes from The World Economic Forum. 
